Off to a slow start

it’s Tuesday again already. I am having a good week though. Yesterday I fasted for 21 hours.

I ate 2.5 grilled ribeye steaks seasoned with salt and pepper, and sweet potato waffle fries, and 4 corn chips. During fasting hours I drank black coffee and water.

Today I have made it 19 hours so far. I think i can make it until tomorrow. I have a dentist appointment in the morning so I won’t eat before that. I am taking amoxicillan (500mg 3xday) this week because of dental work I had done last week. Also taking nurofen regularly, doctor’s recommendation.

Today I took an iron supplement twice. It’s Heme iron. I feel much better energy-wise when I take it. I’ve had one cup of black coffee, one 16 oz cup of black tea (2 tea bags), and 500 ml of water.

I suppose I should record this data in a spreadsheet. I’ll take my blood sugar & ketones and blood pressure later.

Next post I’ll include my DEXA scan and talk about that.